Managed Print Solutions
For over a decade our team has delivered managed print solutions for small to medium sized businesses. We proudly offer same day and next day support to a large number of Victorian offices.
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) often have no idea just how much printing is going on in their offices. This printing often becomes a ‘forgotten’ expenditure that no one notices. CEOs and directors are often shocked to find that office printing can easily add up to 3-8% of business turnover. Here at Magnetiser, we often help our SME customers save 60% of this cost.
What is an SME?
The term SME stands for small and medium sized
business enterprises. We classify a business as small
or medium based on the number of employees it has.
We categorise as follows:
Small Businesses: 0-19 employees
Medium Businesses: 20-199 employees
0-4 employees are categorised as "micro"
SMEs and Managed Print Solutions - fast facts
Around 80% of SMEs still purchase printer hardware and consumables on a transactional basis
Around 50% of SMEs have never heard of or used managed print solutions before
Generally speaking, printer usage has not rapidly declined in the SME market yet
Organisations are seeing increased growth in colour print volumes, causing higher expenditure on consumables
Most SMEs still view printing as critical or very important in supporting business activities
Most businesses still believe MPS is only for large enterprises, not SMEs
Where are most SMEs based?
​Most SMEs in Australia are based in the eastern states (New South Wales, VIctoria, and Queensland). They represented over 70.5% of total industry employment back in 2009-10 — that’s over 7 million people! SMEs also represent the fastest growing sector in Australia for managed print.
How a managed print environment can save your business over 60% in printing costs
When an SME gains a better understanding of what’s being printed, it becomes easier to measure and control costs for it. Work with us and we can develop a fully managed print environment where you’re in control.
You will get clear visibility over all your printing costs including paper, ink replacements, and general printer maintenance.